
Business idea

Disrupting fashion industry with crowdsourced designs

Unique selling point

More democratic approach to fashion design, giving a voice to a wider range of designers and customers

Fashion model
Fashion models


  1. Current fashion industry model is outdated and inefficient*
  2. Few designers have the resources to bring their designs to market*
  3. Customers are limited to purchasing from established brands and retailers
*- According research The state of fashion, in 2021 from McKinsey & Company
Fashion model


  1. Designs created by anyone(any freshman fashion designer or amateur)
  2. Clothes to be produced are selected by potential purchasers
  3. Designers don’t need to pay for production
  1. Step 1

    Designers upload their sketches to the system

  2. Step 2

    Users vote on the designs they like

  3. Step 3

    Apparel Untitled produces the products with the most votes

  4. Step 4

    Designers receive tokens for every purchase of their design


Overproduction can be reduced because clothes are selected before production, making it more eco-friendly

A 2021 report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation found that the fashion industry produces 92 million tons of textile waste each year.

This waste includes clothes that are never worn, clothes that are worn once or twice and then discarded, and clothes that are recycled or reused.

The fashion industry is also a major contributor to climate change.

It is estimated that the industry is responsible for 2-8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is more than the emissions from all international flights and maritime shipping combined.

Fashion model

Local Economics

  1. Clothes can be produced in any country based on local users' votes, supporting local manufacturers;
  2. More orders for local clothing manufacturers, boosting the local economics


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